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Valencian Community updates and lower the public taxes imposed for the food supplements notification.

With the entry of the new year 2021, in Spain many Autonomous Communities proceed to carry out a review and update of the public rates and prices established for the different services that they can offer to citizens and their companies. 

In the field of administrative fees established for food operators, it is very important to be attentive to possible modifications that may be made in this matter in order to be up to date with the prices to pay for the services that are necessary for the development of their activity.

In this case, the operators that manufacture, pack, import or distribute food supplements must know the rates and prices to pay when the notification of placing on the market of these products is made to the Health Authority, which is imposed by Spanish Royal Decree 1487/2009 or European Directive 2002/46/CE regarding food supplements, and know the possible modifications they may undergo.

Thus, we have been able to know that the Valencian Community has made public its Law 3/2020 of December 30 on fiscal measures, administrative, financial and organizational management of the Generalitat for the new year 2021 that have just began.

It is a very extensive document that collects all the administrative fees imposed, organized by the differente sectors, but if we focus on the field of Health, we find very good news for operators in the food supplement sector in this Autonomous Community.

Although until 2020, the Valencian Community was one of the regions where the price per notification of food supplements with the highest price, with the update there has been a significant decrease in this price, not only for the initial notification, but also also for the modifications that these products may undergo, and that of course also have to be notified.

Therefore, currently the prices of these fees are as follows:

- For the notification of first placing on the market: 91.8€ (until 2020 it has been 210€).

- For the notification of significant modifications: 61.2€ (until 2020 it has been 100€).

- For the notification of minor modifications: 30.6€ (until 2020 it has been 40€).

Thus, it is news that we have welcomed with great joy, since this will mean an improvement in the conditions for Valencian operators in the food supplements sector, which surely helps them a lot to comply with the applicable regulations on these products, and above all to be up to date with the notification of their products placed on the market.

In this way and with this modification, we find that the prices for the notification and modifications of food supplements in the national territory, are closer and a little more similar, being a little less the comparative injury that occurs among food operators simply because they are located in one or another Autonomous Community of Spain.

From LexSupplements, we are aware of the modifications and changes that occur in the food supplements field and we help you to keep your company and products up to date with current regulations.

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