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Modificaciones sobre la lista de Nuevos Alimentos de la UE

Modificaciones sobre la lista de Nuevos Alimentos de la UE

Since the entry into force of the new Regulation (EU) 2017/2470 establishing the Union list of novel foods, there have been many modifications that have been and will be undergoing in order to complete the list in order to incorporate new authorized foods or modify the conditions of use of others already authorized.

As of today, this legislative document has undergone 25 modifications in its lifetime since it has been applied. Most of these modifications have been made to add new foods to the list, since the idea is to have a list that is as up-to-date and complete as possible to serve as a reference for food operators.

As we always stress, it is not only important to pay attention to the mandatory food information on the label, or to the administrative procedures that some food products must go through (for example food supplements), in order to be marketed in the European Union, but it is also of vital importance that the composition of the product, whether or not it is a food supplement, complies with current applicable legislation.

Thus, within the composition of the product, it is important to ensure that the ingredients are authorized and are within the limits allowed for the specific ingredient or food in which it is found. And this is where the Novel Foods, or Novel Foods of the Union, come into play, which according to Regulation 2015/2283 regarding new foods are defined as all food that has not been used to a significant extent for human consumption in the Union before May 15, 1997 (...) and that is included in a series of categories described in article 3, section 1.2 a of said Regulation.

As authorized new foods we have examples of ingredients as well known today as chia seeds, Antarctic krill oil or Vitamin K2 (Menaquinone). All these foods could not be used in the Union until they were authorized for it as novel foods or food ingredients.

During the year 2019, 3 modifications have been published in the Union's new food list to extend the conditions of use or modify the specifications of 3 previously authorized new foods.

Specifically, these are extensions of use in Allanblackia seed oil and in Schizochytrium sp. therefore, with these modifications, the food categories in which it can be used and the maximum applicable content are expanded.

In addition to these two extensions, there has been a change in the specifications of Euphausia superba Antarctic Krill Oil, specifically regarding the phospholipid content that this extract must have.

All these modifications are defined in their respective public implementing regulations in the Union's legislative databases.

If you have specific questions about these, or other new authorized foods from the Union, do not hesitate to contact us as a legal food consultant.

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